Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Steps of Finding the "Perfect" Gala Dress

So guys, I'm graduating and obviously there's the senior gala. Well, with the gala comes the terrifying process of choosing the dress you want to wear. Being a girl like me, picky and annoying, this process is not your average day in the mall. Let me take you on a fun ride down the gala choosing lane.

1. Walk around the mall with a disgusted face expression. "Shu hayda?" "Leh killo sequins?" Two things repeated by me probably around a million times. My mom had to refrain from rolling her eyes at me every 5 seconds or else it wouldn't have ended well for the both of us. Anger level: 1.

2. Walk into a store. I absolutely hate it when the saleswoman follows me around. If I need help I'll ask, I swear! She hovers around me until I end up hating the dress I would have otherwise loved. I walk out of the store, disappointed. Anger level: Borderline 2.

3. Grab Pinkberry. I think everyone at this point deserves a break. My mom probably deserved it more than I did but hey who's blaming anyone right? Anger level: subsiding.

4. Embark on another journey around the mall. Why walk around the mall once when you can see every single vitrine twice?! Right?! Am I right?! Anger level: Definite 3 with a hysterical smile.

5. Enter the store you know you should have entered hours ago but simply chose to have hope for the others you never usually enter. Anger level: OMG I LOVE THIS DRESS, back to 2.

6. Grab a bunch of dresses and enter the dressing room with your mom tottering behind you knowing what's coming. Anger level: One of these dresses better look good.

7. Too big. Too small. Too long. Too short. Too revealing. Too see-through.
Mom's anger level: Ryan Gosling.

8. Fall in love with a dress, it's beautiful, just not my size. Anger level: Fast and Furious to the other branch.

9. Try it on again impatiently, it works. Anger level: PRAISE THE LORD!

10. Walk around the mall victoriously, teach them to mess with this girl! Anger level: Blair Waldorf.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Hair Salon Mishap

Hey guys! I'm back, been a really long time. This new post is actually a bit of a rant and it addresses most hair salons. You walk into the hairdresser's looking for some time off to relax and get yourself ready for the weekend. You approach the reception desk telling the lady behind it that yes your hair does need a wash then you proceed to take a seat. Little did you know all the chairs are white. Full-on  white from top to bottom. This would be fine any other day except this one. It's that time of the month again and you have to be perched on a white chair for the next hour or two. You sit in one position afraid to move and perhaps discover damage. Then as you get up, you subtly throw a glance at the little space your tush was taking on the seat. A horrified look is plastered on your face regardless of the outcome. Most of the time you leave victoriously,  nothing happened and you survived another time of this.

BUT COME ON HAIR SALONS! This is a hair salon for women, why on earth are your chairs white?! It defies the purpose.


Sunday, November 20, 2016

It's Not A Joke

"Oh my God I totally have OCD!" Something people say whenever they fix a picture frame that's slightly tilted or when they want to make up an excuse for their behavior. It's actually, believe it or not, not cool to have OCD. No you didn't just climb up the social ladder by making fun of your actions and blaming them on OCD. Cause guess what?! It's not OCD! You're not kept up all night obsessing over something and insomnia takes over because you can't shut your head up. You're not always distracted by the one thing that's on your mind and even the TV becomes just background noise for you because you're so wrapped up in your thoughts that nothing else matters. OCD is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, trying to act cute by saying you have it isn't okay. No one jokes about having a physical disorder cause it's not funny! There's nothing humorous about it and neither is there anything cool about "having" a mental disorder. So basically, to everyone throwing around "Blame it on my OCD" or "Omg I just had an anxiety attack" when really you just panicked for one second like any other person would, realize that some people out there are actually struggling because of these disorders. 
I saw a post recently on social media that pissed me off regarding this so it triggered writing something about it :) 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Mr. Right?

Hi everyone! It's been the longest time ever since I wrote my last post. I'm going to blame it on being too busy which is true, but also I haven't been really getting any ideas to write about. Obviously, the time where I get most inspired is when I'm supposed to be doing something else like studying, but that's okay lol. Basically what I'm going to be writing about in this post is the concept of finding Mr. Right.

As girls, we tend to sculpt the guy we want to find. We mold him, we lay out all the characteristics and personality traits we're looking for and then go on a search until someone matches our wishes. Any girl would understand what I'm talking about right now. We've spent hours discussing what we "want in a guy" with our girl friends expecting to actually find the person we're creating in our minds. "He has to have dark hair, he has to play an instrument, colored eyes are a definite must!" These are all things we've repeated to ourselves and our friends for years. Forget about his looks for a second, we also tend to think we know how we want him to act and behave. I mean sure some things are a standard must like a sense of humor and life-loving attitude but we definitely go overboard trying to analyze what we want in a guy. I mean, does he really have to enjoy poetry and appreciate art?

This whole Mr. Right concept is usually a complete fail. We end up falling in love with people who almost don't match any of the criteria we perfectly and elaborately placed in finding the perfect man. I personally find it amazing, you end up surprising yourself with who you fall in love with. I mean, what's the fun in just finding the person that fits the profile you wanted? It's love, not a CV screening. Anyway, it never really works to fall for the person you put so much effort into creating, you end up falling for someone much better for you. So quit putting conditions on the people you'd want to fall for, and just explore different types of people, you're going to have the best love story ever if you just let yourself fall for whatever your heart ends up wanting.

This is definitely one of my mushier posts but I'm finding it to be really true from what I see around me.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Being 20

To everyone out there who just hit their 20s, hear me out on this one.

20s might sound like they come with more responsibilities and burdens that you didn't worry about before but they are probably going to be some of your best years. I am not speaking out of experience considering I turned 20 around six months ago but so far it's been interesting. I've learned a few things in these 6 months that I want to share with everyone.

1. Be spontaneous. Stop worrying about your plans and what should be done, just do. There's nothing more fun than the days that just flow in a way that you did not expect at all. Let them be.

2. Get out of your comfort zone. Yes your comfort zone is safe and it's so easy to hide in it and never do anything reckless but what's the point? If you get nervous socializing, force yourself to do it. If you hate going to new places, it's okay, discover. Life will become much more fun when you leave your bubble even though it might sound like the worst idea.

3. Meet new people. Honestly, there's nothing nicer than having close friends, but there's also something about seeing new faces, learning things from different types of people, having various types of conversations that you can only have with different groups. Branch out.

4. Dance. Yes you read right. One of my pieces of advice is to dance. Let loose, listen to music, have fun. Dancing might be the most liberating physical activity anyone can do. For a few hours, you don't have to talk about much, you can forget yourself, and just enjoy someone's company.

5. Feel. Allow yourself to feel things you know you shouldn't. Don't be afraid to fall, don't be afraid to give more than you promised yourself to give. It's alright to let people in more than you normally would.

6. Take risks. What does that even mean right? It means that you shouldn't always do things by the book. It's fine to let things get a little out of hand sometimes, not everything should be aligned in life. Stay in control of what's going on, but don't be a control freak.

7. Change something. I don't know what but change something in your appearance, find something new you'd like to try. It doesn't have to be massive honestly, it can be getting highlights, new makeup routine, getting a buzzcut, shaving off your beard, I don't know, but something new and fresh will make you feel like a new person.

8. Eat. I don't think I say "I'm hungry" enough times in one day. I know at this age we should start watching our weights but indulge in something delicious every once in a while. Of course you want fries with that, so get them. Not everyday, sure, but satisfy your guilty pleasures every once in a while.

9. Drive to new places. There's honestly no better feeling than seeing something for the first time. Don't know what to do on a Saturday? Get in the car with your friends and go places. Road trips with music (and ice-cream breaks) might be one of the best ideas.

10. Be 20. Allow yourself to feel young. Make the most of every moment, the memories you're making are going to make good stories years from now.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

For Every Bottled-Up Emotion

We live in a time where people choose their pride over telling other people how they really feel. (Maybe it's always been this way but yeah). Thing is, what's so wrong with telling someone how you feel about them? Just say it. Get it out in the open. If you've been madly obsessing over a guy for ages just tell him, what's the worst that can happen? He'll never talk to you again? Fine so be it it's not like things are making you any happier now. Are you mad at someone and just bottling it up because you don't want them to think you care? Come on! You care, you obviously care, you care so much it's keeping you up at night and leaving a trace of sadness in your every facial expression for days, months even. See I know that confrontation can blow up in your face sometimes but it'll always be better than having endless made-up conversations in your head that you will never have out loud because of all the what-ifs that are shutting you up completely. I tend not to follow this advice because I'm just as terrified of confrontation as anyone else is AND sometimes it does blow up in my face. Despite that I am usually a confrontational person especially when I'm upset or mad because I can't handle just being mad by myself while the other person is going about their life with no clue how hurt I am. I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe that if they're aware how hurt they made me it would make them want to talk it out. Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned. Confrontation might lead to a huge fight, it might end friendships, cause breakups, etc... That's the thing with human relationships, you can never really control how the other person feels no matter how hard you try to make them feel the way you want them to. It sucks really. But always try to talk things out with people, from the guy who sits next to you in class and you just can't help but slowly fall in love with or the girl who made you so angry you want to punch a wall.
Don't stay up at night thinking about him, and definitely don't punch a wall, just talk. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Me Before You

Hey guys! So basically I haven't read a really good book that I can't put down for almost four years. However, a couple weeks ago I got my hands on Me Before You and it is now pretty much my favorite book. It's so well-written, it's compelling, and it's a definite tear jerker. I've never cried while reading a book, I used to think that's impossible. While reading this book, I smiled, I teared up, I cried, it's an emotional roller coaster and it really makes you feel engaged in the story line. I read it mainly because I watched the trailer a few weeks ago and was really curious to read the book before the movie comes out, and that was such a good decision. I finished the book a few days ago and now I'm anxiously waiting for it to be released in theaters. Everyone should go watch the movie, I'd say everyone should read the book but considering the movie's going to be released next Thursday, just go watch the movie. You're going to have an amazing couple hours and honestly you're never going to want the movie to end. I know I didn't want the book to end. Enjoy it you guys, this might just be the best movie of the year.