Monday, October 12, 2015


Alright so, it's autumn again and some people like staying in when the weather gets chilly. A lot of us sometimes don't have the time to go the movie theater or we simply don't realize that a really good movie is out SO I'm here to tally up some of my favorite movies! I think the next few months are the best for catching up on a lot of movies that you missed out on throughout the year. Personally, I like having one night in the weekend where I just chill at home and watch a movie ESPECIALLY if it's raining! I hope this list helps and to all you DVD stores out there, you're welcome! :P (The movies are in random order)

1. Spy

A funny action comedy starring my favorite actor Jason Statham! I honestly loved this movie and I actually laughed which I find shocking cause recently most comedies have been really lame. The cast is perfect for this movie and I finally started liking Melissa McCarthy after watching it!

2. Cinderella

Cinderella happens to be my favorite Disney fairytale alongside Beauty and the Beast, so you can imagine how excited I was when it came out. The costumes and the setting were perfect in this movie. Everything was perfect! Prince Charming was so perfectly cast, THANK GOD, lol! Perfect for a girls' night in!

3. The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

I discovered Henry Cavill when I was like nine years old cause he acted in a Red Riding Hood movie and I thought he was really cute at the time. Yep, even at 9 years old guys, lol. Anyway this movie was really good! Another action comedy to make the list and for good reason!

4. Inside Out

One of the cutest animated movies ever! I enjoyed every second of this movie and I was literally beyond upset when it ended! I'm a fan of animated movies in general so I went to the movie theater already excited about this, and it even exceeded my expectations!

5. Fifty Shades of Grey

So it wasn't the best movie ever but it's one of those movies that you just watch. You just do it. I mean almost everyone has seen this movie by now but if you're still one of those people who are refusing to watch it or who think it's too stupid. Just pop it into your DVD player on a Friday night and watch it. It's entertaining and definitely different than a lot of movies, lol.

6. Whiplash

I think I might have written about this movie before. Anyway! It's one of my favorites this year. It stars Miles Teller and it's basically about his life as an aspiring drummer! It's a really good choice for anyone who's either into drumming or into music in general!

7. Hotel Transylvania 2

I love animations.. and monsters? This movie is super cute! Honestly the humor found in this animation is much better than some comedies with like actual people. WATCH THE FIRST ONE TOO! But I'm going to go ahead and assume that everyone already did because it was AWESOME!

That's it for now! I'll be back with more in another movie post!

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