Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Love Affair With...

I realized that all my blog posts are either about relationships or things that I enjoy such as music and movies. I seem to have missed writing a blog about something that means a lot to me. Something that is part of my (almost) daily life. What is this thing that I am talking about?


So what's my deal with fries? Almost everyone who really knows me knows about this new-found obsession. I mean I've always loved fries, but recently it's as if I developed a relationship with fries, lol. Let's go into detail about this fries obsession. Fries aren't just thin strips of fried potato. No no, fries can be served with cheddar cheese and then dipped in sour cream, fries can be re-imagined and made into potato dippers that you can have with honey mustard, fries can be included in your Taouk sandwich for a lazy Sunday lunch. Apart from fries being served in many ways, they're so easy to eat. You can take fries to-go from McDonald's and munch on them in the car, you can walk around and eat a box of fries, and of course you can sit in the comfort of a restaurant or at home and eat your fries. As you can see, fries are an essential part of a person's diet. 

Some people think the best thing that is made out of potatoes is vodka, I'm pretty sure it's fries. Fries are tangible happiness. 

So yeah I basically just wrote a post about my love for fries. 

Potato dippers with cheese (Roadster Diner)! Heaven!
Fries and Cheddar from Roadtser Diner found on

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Salon Du Chocolat - Biel

This weekend is the annual Beirut Cooking Festival and Salon Du Chocolat! My post is specifically about the Salon Du Chocolat! IT WAS CHOCOLATE HEAVEN! I mean who wouldn't want to go somewhere where there's literally chocolate everywhere you look? From chocolate dresses to a merry-go-round cake to endless chocolate goodness! You'd probably leave the place with a sugar rush due to the amount of samples and goodies the different kiosks offer but it's all worth it! My personal favorite treat was the chocolate shot offered by The Muse Concept! It was so yummy and their stand was definitely one of a kind (you'll soon find out why! lol) I'll leave you with pictures from yesterday!
The Muse Concept
Chocolate dresses