Thursday, June 23, 2016

For Every Bottled-Up Emotion

We live in a time where people choose their pride over telling other people how they really feel. (Maybe it's always been this way but yeah). Thing is, what's so wrong with telling someone how you feel about them? Just say it. Get it out in the open. If you've been madly obsessing over a guy for ages just tell him, what's the worst that can happen? He'll never talk to you again? Fine so be it it's not like things are making you any happier now. Are you mad at someone and just bottling it up because you don't want them to think you care? Come on! You care, you obviously care, you care so much it's keeping you up at night and leaving a trace of sadness in your every facial expression for days, months even. See I know that confrontation can blow up in your face sometimes but it'll always be better than having endless made-up conversations in your head that you will never have out loud because of all the what-ifs that are shutting you up completely. I tend not to follow this advice because I'm just as terrified of confrontation as anyone else is AND sometimes it does blow up in my face. Despite that I am usually a confrontational person especially when I'm upset or mad because I can't handle just being mad by myself while the other person is going about their life with no clue how hurt I am. I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe that if they're aware how hurt they made me it would make them want to talk it out. Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned. Confrontation might lead to a huge fight, it might end friendships, cause breakups, etc... That's the thing with human relationships, you can never really control how the other person feels no matter how hard you try to make them feel the way you want them to. It sucks really. But always try to talk things out with people, from the guy who sits next to you in class and you just can't help but slowly fall in love with or the girl who made you so angry you want to punch a wall.
Don't stay up at night thinking about him, and definitely don't punch a wall, just talk.