Sunday, September 18, 2016

Mr. Right?

Hi everyone! It's been the longest time ever since I wrote my last post. I'm going to blame it on being too busy which is true, but also I haven't been really getting any ideas to write about. Obviously, the time where I get most inspired is when I'm supposed to be doing something else like studying, but that's okay lol. Basically what I'm going to be writing about in this post is the concept of finding Mr. Right.

As girls, we tend to sculpt the guy we want to find. We mold him, we lay out all the characteristics and personality traits we're looking for and then go on a search until someone matches our wishes. Any girl would understand what I'm talking about right now. We've spent hours discussing what we "want in a guy" with our girl friends expecting to actually find the person we're creating in our minds. "He has to have dark hair, he has to play an instrument, colored eyes are a definite must!" These are all things we've repeated to ourselves and our friends for years. Forget about his looks for a second, we also tend to think we know how we want him to act and behave. I mean sure some things are a standard must like a sense of humor and life-loving attitude but we definitely go overboard trying to analyze what we want in a guy. I mean, does he really have to enjoy poetry and appreciate art?

This whole Mr. Right concept is usually a complete fail. We end up falling in love with people who almost don't match any of the criteria we perfectly and elaborately placed in finding the perfect man. I personally find it amazing, you end up surprising yourself with who you fall in love with. I mean, what's the fun in just finding the person that fits the profile you wanted? It's love, not a CV screening. Anyway, it never really works to fall for the person you put so much effort into creating, you end up falling for someone much better for you. So quit putting conditions on the people you'd want to fall for, and just explore different types of people, you're going to have the best love story ever if you just let yourself fall for whatever your heart ends up wanting.

This is definitely one of my mushier posts but I'm finding it to be really true from what I see around me.