Sunday, November 20, 2016

It's Not A Joke

"Oh my God I totally have OCD!" Something people say whenever they fix a picture frame that's slightly tilted or when they want to make up an excuse for their behavior. It's actually, believe it or not, not cool to have OCD. No you didn't just climb up the social ladder by making fun of your actions and blaming them on OCD. Cause guess what?! It's not OCD! You're not kept up all night obsessing over something and insomnia takes over because you can't shut your head up. You're not always distracted by the one thing that's on your mind and even the TV becomes just background noise for you because you're so wrapped up in your thoughts that nothing else matters. OCD is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, trying to act cute by saying you have it isn't okay. No one jokes about having a physical disorder cause it's not funny! There's nothing humorous about it and neither is there anything cool about "having" a mental disorder. So basically, to everyone throwing around "Blame it on my OCD" or "Omg I just had an anxiety attack" when really you just panicked for one second like any other person would, realize that some people out there are actually struggling because of these disorders. 
I saw a post recently on social media that pissed me off regarding this so it triggered writing something about it :)