Saturday, February 20, 2016

Unrequited Love

So what is unrequited love? It's basically when you've fallen head over heels for someone who simply doesn't share the same intense emotions. You find yourself shamelessly listening to sad heartbreaking songs at 1 AM wondering what on earth they're doing and when you do go out you hope that maybe this one time you'll run into him/her and they'll see you out and having a good time and they'll finally fall in love with your smile. But you and I probably know that that's not the case. However, though, everyone has to experience heartache. We just have to. We long for pain, it's a consuming feeling and we like it even though we know we shouldn't. It's basically like if you're watching a romantic movie and it's constantly positive and happy, you get bored and turn it off. Loving someone who doesn't love you back is a necessary experience for everyone, sometimes there are things that you don't share, you just give, and unfortunately guys this is one of them. I know people going through this are probably wondering "well when am i gonna get my happy ending?", but remember you are the same people who want the movie to drag on just a bit more so that the happy ending doesn't come too soon. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Relationship Parasites 2.0

HEY GUYS! Alright so, my first Relationship Parasites got a ton of views and I'm so happy about that which is why I decided to write another one! To make things more interesting this time, I'm going to label those relationship parasites that lurk around happy couples.

The Needy Best Friend: We've seen her kind. She's the boyfriend's best friend and she's always there to give him advice regarding his relationship. She pretends to be happy for him and supports his relationship but maliciously tries to end it. When the couple is out together, she doesn't stop herself from texting the guy multiple times asking where he is and that she needs to talk about her own guy problems even though it's a desperate attempt to steer his attention away from his girlfriend. This type of parasite exists everywhere and the only way to get rid of her is by fully ignoring her.

The Girl That Never Got Over Him: Oh this one. This one doesn't pretend to be happy for you, no no, she will shoot death glares your way whenever she gets the chance, and boy do her chances seem to be many. She's constantly trying to flirt with your boyfriend attempting to possibly win him over. SWEETHEART IF YOU DIDN'T WIN HIM OVER THE FIRST TIME, YOU WON'T NOW THAT HE'S WITH SOMEONE. The fix? Be as friendly as possible to her, her guilt conscience would eat her up when she's trying to ruin a nice person's life.

The One That Shares All Of His Interests: This girl is a tough one. She's into sports and other stuff that he enjoys that you don't really. He really likes her company and considers her a buddy. Although you actually shouldn't be bothered by this girl because he doesn't seem to like her that way at all, she annoys you a lot. Why does she care about the things he's into and you can't get yourself to? What to do? Either let it go, let the guy have some fun, or try to join in their conversations every once in a while and at least pretend to be interested for half an hour (painful I know lol).

The Ex-Girlfriend: Remind me again why this girl is causing you trouble? If she's harming your relationship, he should shut her out. Sometimes exes stay friends after a breakup which is fine on condition that she doesn't try to sabotage any new attempt he has at romance. You don't have to deal with this one at all and yeah the fix is to just tell her to buzz off.

The Guys Who Complain That He Just Isn't The Same Anymore: I get it, I swear, sometimes guys get very involved in a relationship and kind of forget their "bros" but don't blame the guy for this. In the beginning of a relationship, he's bound to kind of get sucked into this whole dating world, and sure if this drags on you should talk to him, but don't be aggressive, and under to no circumstances trash the girl for this. It's totally his fault if he's pushing you away; just sort things out together and keep her out of it.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

So It's Valentine's Day

So what is Valentine's day? IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! lol... no really it is but that's not the point of the blog post. 
Each year during this time I either see happy couples or hear people complaining. Even couples sometimes complain about Valentine's day and that is something I really don't understand.
So why all the hate on this one day? Single people hate it because they can't spend it with someone special and couples sometimes don't enjoy it because either he didn't take her to the fancy place she wanted or he didn't get her the gift she's been hinting at for ages. 
I have my own take on this day. Sure, first and foremost I don't really care about it cause it's my birthday so who cares? lol... but actually I love Valentine's day, always have. You go out, everything's decorated in red, restaurants have a special Valentine menu, and the dessert possibilities are ENDLESS! A few years ago, I had a Valentine special ice-cream thing from Haagen-Dazs with my friend and yeah it was great, I loved it, and I had a great time. 
I'm not arguing, it's definitely better to be sharing this day with a boyfriend or girlfriend, but don't let that bring your mood down! Go out with your squad, enjoy that special menu and go watch a chick flick! (Sidenote: How To Be Single and The Choice are both in theaters right now, perfect chick flicks, so really go watch a movie!) And for the single guys out there, definitely also enjoy that special menu or ditch it and go have open beer and wings then hit the gym or play a football game or something. Valentine's day in my opinion isn't just for happy couples, it's for everyone who loves someone, be it a best friend, your squad, or just about anyone. Don't let the labels define who you get to spend that day with! If you're a girl and have a best guy friend and you're both single, sure go somewhere together, and if the waiters ask you if you're a couple, SAY YES YOU'LL GET FREE DESSERT, lol!

I guess all I'm trying to say is everyone should have a good time on Valentine's day and no one should sulk at home! Enjoy the 14th of February guys!