Saturday, August 15, 2015

Imagine a World Without Music

Take a second and imagine a world without music

What a horrible place that would be

In a world without music, all emotions would be dull and tame

Music is the fuel to those emotions that you try so hard to keep under control

When a song comes on, and you relate to it, nothing can take that away

You don't have to hide how that song makes you feel

This song allows some memories to escape from the back of your head where you were trying so hard to keep them

The beauty of music is in the promise that nothing can take away those 2-3 minutes from you

A song won't fail you the second time you hear it, it's still the same

It's the fuse that lights up your body from its center and makes you feel alive

In a world without music, your core is always dim and dark and flameless

& nothing feels as good as feeding your burning desires with a beat that ignites a never-ending spark.

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