Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Relationship Parasites

Hi everyone! Finally back to blogging, I really missed this during midterms! Today's post is a rant actually, and it's about something I'm sure everyone can relate to.
I'm talking about what I call Relationship Parasites.
Relationship Parasites (n.): people who don't get the fact that they're supposed to back off when someone's dating.
I see them everywhere, lurking desperately around a couple. I constantly hear these words from people in relationships: "She just doesn't leave him alone", "Shu baddo hayda ya 3amme bidall 3am yi7kiya?" (translation: "Why does he keep on talking to her?")
What I really don't get is the energy to always have to feel like you're in a competition with whoever the person's dating. He chose her, and she chose him, and they won't break that up for you, so stop trying to get their attention.
Now what is it that they really do?
For the girls, they start out really happy that the guy is in a relationship, "OMG you guys are so cute together!", yeah okay actions speak louder than words. The relationship grows, and the envy begins. She starts talking to him more, telling him she misses him, and trying her best to steer his attention away from his girlfriend even while she's there. I mean when people are 15 or something, maturity hasn't probably hit them so whatever, but later on, girls, I'm sorry, but you look like attention craving children.
I'm not saying it's wrong to be friends with someone in a relationship, just cause you're dating doesn't mean you have to live alone, but there are boundaries that many girls seem to always cross and that's not okay. While you're wasting your energy on a guy who's madly in love with his girlfriend, focus that effort on someone who might want you, cause the guy you're after doesn't.
For guys, on the other hand, it's a different approach. Obviously they can't act flirty with the girl so they dig deep into themselves, 9999 layers deep, to finally find the man they are, and show the girl what a macho gentleman they can be. If you're really the man you think you are, you wouldn't be going around chasing someone who's taken. Talk to the girl, be her friend, fine, but never, under any circumstance, try to make fun of her boyfriend. She will judge you forever, and probably go laugh at you with none other than, the real man in her life.
The guys try to act like they want to protect you, telling you to talk to them if your boyfriend ever upsets you, and glare at him when he's there. GOOD JOB! The best way to steal a girl's heart is by making her boyfriend uncomfortable.

To all those relationship parasites out there, back off already. You're not cute, flirty, fun, interesting or anything. You just look desperate honestly, and that doesn't look good on anyone.

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