Saturday, April 25, 2015


Around this time last year, I was finishing up my senior year in school and getting ready for a great night, PROM! Prom is a night everyone looks forward to and honestly it's a night no one will ever forget! I remember going from store to store to find the perfect prom dress and googling different makeup ideas to tell the makeup artist who's going to fix me up for the big night! So I thought I'd help out this year's seniors by giving some ideas I personally liked!


Half up half down!

I love this hairstyle because it keeps your hair from constantly falling on your face during that busy night and it looks very effortless! It's a change from the regular just curling or just straightening and the little bun is so cute!
PLUS! You're going to need your hair up for that cap during graduation, trust me, lol!

All down

For those of you determined on keeping all their hair down, this is the look to go with! Personally this is the look i went for cause my hair was really long and I wanted it all down. I didn't want to straighten it because come on BORING! You can straighten your hair literally every single day but for this night, at least go for wavy or curly!


If you're the type of person who would like to pull all their back then I think this is the up-do for you! Nina Dobrev stuns in this hairstyle! A personal tip, if your graduation and prom are on the same day like mine was, you'd want to opt for a bun that's low like this one. When you put on the graduation cap and your bun goes straight into it then you'd look bald, and we don't want that, do we! So do your bun low like this one so that it shows beneath the grad cap!


Red lips

If you were thinking of going red-lipped to prom, I hope this picture helps! In order to perfectly pull off red lips, you have to pair them with minimal makeup-ed eyes! You shouldn't wear heavy makeup on your eyes in order to balance out the intensity of the lips! Please. Please. Please. Do not wear colored eye shadow if you have red lipstick on, lol!

Heavy eyeshadow!

If you're the type of person who wants the focus of their makeup to be on the eyes then I think this is the look for you! I personally love these eye shadow colors because they work with anything you could be wearing!Also, colors like golden, beige, brown, black, etc.. give a glamorous vibe more than actual colors like pink or blue or whatever. I went with a similar look last year to my prom!
With these eyes, try to go for a simple lipstick color, the eyes are intense enough!

My look for prom!! And the boyfriend lol! 


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