Sunday, June 14, 2015

Underrated artist of the month: June

Hi everyone! I decided to add a monthly post to my blog about new or underrated artists. I realize while listening to songs on YouTube that there are many incredible artists that are barely heard of so I thought I'd add a few people to their fandom by mentioning them on my blog. This post won't always feature singers necessarily but this month's artist happens to be one.

This month's underrated artist is Jaymes Young. His music is so magical and will definitely speak to your soul. His voice is one of the best I've ever heard and it's so raw. His songs are kind of different than your usual radio music but they're the best kind of different. I discovered him yesterday while getting ready with my bestie. We were putting our makeup on and turned on a playlist on 8tracks. A few songs into the playlist and his song "I'll be good" popped. We directly googled him and we instantly adored his music. His music is very relaxing, and his lyrics are so relate-able in a weird way. Check out the first song we ever heard by him and I hope that leads you to start pressing on his other suggested songs just like I did!