Saturday, May 30, 2015

A little thing I wrote: "Let Love"

So I wrote this thing a few days ago and I sent it to a couple of my friends (Elena and Livine) who instantly told me to blog it. I wasn't sure if I want to, but why not? I hope you guys like it just as much as my friends did! :)

Dont just love
Dont just love someone
Let love consume you
Let love devour your body to its innermost depth
Let love excite your nerves and tug at your heart
Let love throw you into a whirlwind of emotion from which there is no way out
Let love entrap you, be its prisoner, fall at its feet
Let love explore your darkest thoughts
Let love introduce you to experiences you've never wanted before
Let love lead you to a path from which there is no return
An endless path of emotion, care, and lust
Never stop at care
Never stop at emotion
Never stop at lust
Let love come at you like a hurricane that takes you to a new messy world
Love is not supposed to be clear and easy
Love is chaotic, crazy, unexpected
Love is beautiful and mad
Love is ecstasy and melancholy
Love is thrill and serenity
Love is peace
But love is war
And you can't let love possess you unless you let love win. 

I hope you will all will feel this deep love I'm talking about at a certain point in your lives.

1 comment:

  1. All thanks go to Mr Jad Rahbany for inspiring our ass-kicking hotter version of Shakespeare for creating this beautiful insightful piece of writing.
