Sunday, January 4, 2015

Coldplay: my favorite music videos of 2014

I'm going to assume that everyone reading this is familiar with the band "Coldplay", because it's one of the bands that has, actually, quite captivating music. Wow, that sounded posh, anyway! I watch a ton of music videos because they're like short movies and who doesn't enjoy taking a 3 minute break and watching a little movie! So over the course of 2014 I watched way too many music videos for my own good and I'll have to say there were many good ones among which are "Blank Space" by Taylor Swift and "Maps" by Maroon 5, but the ones that really caught my eye and I can watch over and over and still enjoy them like it's the first time must be those of Coldplay. The videos are those of the songs "True Love", "Magic", and "Sky Full of Stars". I'm not going to describe each video because that would take too long and probably bore anyone reading this, also because I feel like the three videos have something in common and that is the atmosphere of hope. "True Love" talks about chasing a seemingly impossible dream, "Magic" talks about freeing a lover from a horrible situation, and "Sky Full of Stars" is just a downright happy and optimistic video! The message behind these three videos to me is that anything can be done and that there will always be someone who loves you, someone who shares the same dream as you do and would want to accomplish it with you! It's kind of like the course of life: you find someone, you want to be with them, and do things together, and in the videos that's the exact representation but in a specific and entertaining way for an audience to enjoy watching. When I watch these music videos I can't help but smile, maybe it's because they are really good or maybe it's just the presence of Chris Martin, kidding! But yeah, if anyone's looking for a few minutes of pure happiness, check out these three music videos found in the links below!

True Love:


Sky Full of Stars:

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